
My name is Joo Minhyuk, or Matt if that's easier. Born in Busan, and residing in Chicago, I am a proud Korean American. If I were to choose 3 words to describe my mind, it would be: nerdy, creative, and unfathomable. If I were to choose 3 attitudes towards life, it would be: eager, vigorous, and relentless. If I were to choose 3 passions, it would be: technology, filmmaking, and philosophy.

The purpose of this website is to showcase and store my passions in one aggregated location. In the sections below, there will be 3 separate parts for each of my passions: technology, filmmaking, and philosophy. You can either scroll down, or use the navigation menu on the top right of the page. The goal is to keep this page updated with all of my past and upcoming projects. Please come back from time to time!

Hope you enjoy exploring my projects.

  • am.


In my view, filmmaking is the greatest medium to express creativity. I started off with video editing back when I couldn't afford a camera in high school. Thankfully these days, I am suffering from severe camera addiction, acquiring an absurd amount of different lenses for my camera system yearly. Here are some of my video projects!

Yellowstone Travel Documentary

My core identity is to document the people I love in my daily life. But on a special and meaningful trip? They are getting a cinematic feature experience!

Roadtrip in Norway Autumn in Chicago

Study Abroad to China

Unsurprisingly, this type of filmmaking is my favorite. I was thankfully able to seek multiple study abroad opportunities in my time during college: once to Germany and another to China. I have purposefully chosen nations that did not speak the language I spoke, but also had a significant cultural, economic, political impact in the region. The goal was to confirm if my knowledge and perspective on these regions were accurate, and to find my own bias tendencies. This video is but a short highlight of my time in China.

Client Testimonial - Corporate Interview

During College, I worked part-time at a digital marketing agency based in Chicago. This video is a client testimonial interview for the marketing services offered by OneIMS. This video and the following videos below are filmed and edited by me for this agency.

Video Ad Event Videography

Honduras Missions Project

This video is for my church, Chicago Onnuri. Honduras Project is a missionary group from Wheaton College. This video highlights the Honduras Project members from Chicago Onnuri Church. See the following links below for more church videos.

Campus Prayer Group House of Prayer

If you wish to see more of my video projects, the best place is my YouTube channel. Click on the link to my YouTube channel right below. There aren't too many to see, but I promise to create way more videos in the coming years!

My YouTube Channel My Instagram Page

  • maker.


As a fiercely curious individual, I never ceased to question. But one can only dwell in the sea of unknowns for so long until discovering a revelation. Though that revelation is hard to translate in words efficiently, I have formed concrete ways to view tangible topics in our reality. Here are some of my attempts to express that.

Uberism - Learning The World One Ride At A Time

I don't know about you, but my experience with Uber (and other ride-sharing services) has been of cultural immersion. Vast majority of the drivers I get are from different cultures and backgrounds. The amount of first-hand perspectives I gained from simply talking and connecting with them is priceless! Learn your fellow humans.

See Full Playlist

Root of Racism The Root of Racism

Many might dismiss racism as human nature, but the history of racism only spans centuries. There are no historical records, nor evidence found for the proof that racism existed in other cultures than the west before the modern era. But you don’t need historical evidence to prove that the root of racism stems from western individualism.

This writing will mainly focus on American racism, specifically the racism against African Americans, and dissecting the cultural DNA. This writing will identify the root cause of racism, and also the solution. But even if we assume that the solution is humanly possible, should racism be solved? And at what cost?

Read Writing

Dy Zero O'Clock

Coming (Not So) Soon! This is going to be more of a book in terms of length.

Extreme-polar-ends terms like everything, nothing, good, bad, etc are a fundamental logical makeup of the universe. But the more depth in reason you dig into, the more similar these two polar ends become. For example, if I were to call everyone I know as my best friends, are there any best friends left? Best friend by definition necessarily needs a non-best friend to exist. If everyone is my best friend, no one is.

Just like that, there is a line of logic you can follow to reach a perspective where each polar ends meet at the same spot. With that perspective, you can make conclusions about the world, including the very definition of what humanity means, how it began, where it’s going, and how it would eventually come to an end. And how that beginning will be its own ending, just like how Zero O’Clock is the 12 O’Clock.

Philosophy isn’t a hobby you can easily express to people around you. But I am so passionate about it so I started writing it down, which seems like the only thing I can think of to actualize my passion for it. I was born atheist, but became Christian, ironically through secular philosophy.

Since when I was in middle school, it always bothered me that in history classes, a hero to one nation was a villain to another. I felt the need to discover an objective way to view the world. What was meant to be a search for objective morality led to topics of history, culture, linguistics, anthropology, and philosophy. By the end of my high school years, I had fully developed my own mixture of stoicism, relativism, daoism and existentialism without even knowing the definitions of these words nor the philosophers behind it. I knew that I had reached the end of secular reasoning with it, but I was severely disappointed. Because I found out that, in secular thought, what is the most objective is to be completely subjective.

My disappointment led to more reasoning, yearning for objectivity. After researching all of the major religions and philosophies, both alive and dead, I landed on Christianity. I never looked back ever since. I am a “secular-existentialist-turned-Christian-apologist”, objectively defending my Christian faith in the most secular way. If you want to discuss any of these topics, please reach out to me via the links found in the ‘Connect’ section on the bottom of the page. Don't hesitate because I literally live for these discussions!

  • thinker.


I cannot give you a solid reason nor a cause as to why I pursued a tech career amongst all of my other passions. But certainly one major reason was because I found the shroud of mystery surrounding technology immensely fascinating. As a high schooler, I couldn't understand how people didn't find the internet mind boggling when they did not understand how it worked. Isn’t it literally magical?

Up until my first Java class in college, I did not understand what coding even was. Because I felt that my knowledge in technology was so trivial, it fueled my need to continue learning what I couldn’t understand back then. For all I know I might just enjoy the state of not knowing and the process of learning. Right now, I am a Program Manager at Google, being the liaison between product managers and engineering teams across the Google org.

For security reasons, I cannot showcase my actual professional work, but here are some of my old school projects and personal projects!

Munchie Buddies (App Mockup)

Munchie Buddies is an app that splits food delivery fees with people around you. It is a real-time location-based group deal listing app for food delivery. This was one of the projects I worked on in my senior year in College, and it was for an IT Entrepreneurship course. Also, do note that this video and the idea was created long before UberEats introduced the delivery share feature. Just saying. :)

My Android Home UI/UX

I enjoy setting up and personalizing my own space, which includes the home of my phone. I had many different setups in the past but this is my current.

Dy My Personal Website

Of course, this website itself is one tech project showcase. This was in my to-do list for so long but have been procrastinating. Very satisfied with how it turned out. Nothing too fancy, just functional with enough beautification. But of course, I will keep improving and updating it. (Wish me luck)

GitHub Repo

I must admit, this section is the most lackluster in comparison to my other passions, possibly because it feels like "work". But I promise I will continue to work on more personal Tech projects! You can check out my LinkedIn profile for the detailed view on my professional experience.

My LinkedIn Profile


To connect or communicate with me for any reason, please don't hesitate and use any of the methods listed below. Come say hi!

P.S. I do a small photo gig on the side, mostly around portraiture. If you want to check out my photos, check out my Photography Instagram Page! (@mattjoo.jpg) I offer massive friend-discounts (free) so hit me up!


  • Joo.